I am often asked, "what are white metal models, and
why are they so expensive?". To answer this it is necessary to explain the production
of white metal models. Spa Croft Models, and the other white metal model manufacturers,
generally produce models which are not considered commercially viable by the diecast
manufacturers such as Corgi, as they often have a limited appeal. The metal used in the
die casting process ia a hard metal, and can only be cast in steel dies. The tooling costs
are, therefore, extremely high, and because of this, the manufacturer has to be sure that
his investment will be recouped. Subjects, therefore have to have a wide appeal, and be
capable of being produced in a variety of forms and liveries, with little, or no
alteration. Plastic is used to produce many of the smaller items such as radiator grilles,
bumpers etc., and interiors, because this is also cheaper. Generally the only none metal
parts used in white metal models are rubber for the tyres, and acetate for the windows.
Everything else is metal which contributes to the weight of the model and its overall
impression of quality.
Whilst the production of white metal models is still not
cheap, because the metal used has a low melting point, rubber moulds can be used to cast
the models, by means of centrifugal casting, and it is this process that is much cheaper
than die casting, because tooling costs are much less. "Why is the end product so
much more expensive?", I hear you ask. There are several reasons. Because of the
limited appeal of many of the subjects of white metal models, for instance, they may only
be known in the UK, and therefore have no interest world wide, the recovery of tooling
costs is spread over a smaller number of units, very often no more than 600 pieces. Each
model is also hand built, and hand finished, and in some cases, hand polished. This is a
very labour intensive part of the production of white metal models, and because production
is totally local, the white metal manufacturers cannot benefit from the much cheaper
foreign labour available to our colleagues in the diecast model industry.
"Why should I buy white metal models then", you
may ask. Because you are getting a special model which no one else produces. None of the
models produced by Spa Croft Models is currently available from any other manufacturer,
die cast or white metal. White metal models are very often more accurate and have more
detail than their die cast counterparts, although the die cast manufacturers are now
recognising the demands of the discerning collector, and things are definitely improving;
the finish of white metal models is of a greater quality because they are handbuilt; your
collection will be more unique because there are fewer examples of each model around, and
I suppose, to be a little light hearted, you will not be filling you cabinets as quicky,
because you will be buying less of the more expensive models, unless of course you are a
lottery winner. Ultimately, the value of your collection may increase more, because of the
desirabilty of these little gems, but that's a bonus. Collecting is about the fun of it,
and the intrinsic value of your collection.
Happy collecting.
Standard Vanguard
This model has now
been put back and is not likely to appear until 2003

Please note that the
Standard Vanguard Sportsman has been put back to 2004
The 1938-39 Morris 14/6 Series III is now available, and the 1940
Vauxhall 25 GL Limousine is on schedule for a
Modelex 2003 release
Other cars being
considered for inclusuion in the Spa Croft range during 2003 are as follows.
1936-37 Morris 14/6
Series II
1951-56 Ford Consul Mk.I

The 1937-1940 Vauxhall GL
25hp Limousine is scheduled to be released this Autumn, hopefully to coincide with ModeleX
2003, and to commemorate 100 years of Vauxhall Motors. Whilst the release of this model
will be welcomed by the Vauxhall Heritage Trust, and the Vauxhall Owners Club, it will not
be an official commemoratuive model. The master has already been made, again by Ian
Pickering, and will be sent for casting shortly. You can reserve you Vauxhall now by emailing Spa
Croft Models, or by giving us a call on 01773 872780
The Morris 14/6 Series is
now available, and the first pictures are shown below. . If you wish to include one
these models in your collection, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01773 872780, or
by e-mail, spacroft@aol.com
In a change with tradition,
the Morris 14/6 Series III has been mastered by Ian Pickering who was responsible for many
of the later Pathfinder Models. Needless to say, we at Spa Croft Models are extremely
delighted with the superb master which Ian has created for the Morris 14/6, and we feel we
should tell you that the pictures below are of the Spa Croft Model, and not the actual
car, such is its realism. Price is £89.